Winning Client Proposal


Everything you need to send a winning client proposal!
Close more deals, make more sales and crush your business goals (includes examples and template).

Client proposal is a key touchpoint whenever you are in the client acquisition process. 

You had an amazing discovery call, but now that is time to write your proposal down you don’t know where to start, right? 

Download the Winning Client Proposal and you'll get:

  • Deliverable Checklist

  • Email Templates

  • Must-Have 

  • Client Proposal Template

Yes, please!

This template is the one place you can refer to whenever a new client approach, so you can really focus on what matters: showing them your skills and expertise and how you can help them succeed!

This is for you if:

  • You're struggling a lot having your proposals accepted and you're having some issues writing a convincing, problem-solving proposal

  • Lately, you have the sensation that potential clients are not entirely convinced by what you can offer them

  • Even though you're making progress, you still feel like you could be doing better

  • Potential clients are ghosting you after you send them your proposal and you have the feeling this is happening cause your proposal is not engaging enough